Dornier 328 TurboProp Panel

I found this forgotten software again in some of my old archives during a harddisk cleaning session
and I would like to publish it now.

I used internet pictures to design the panel. I did this already some years ago.
I have downloaded many panels in search of gauges I felt best fit any particular application,
so I forget who all the credits for such gauges should go to.

This panel is freeware and might be changed or improved by anyone.
But you should not make profit from it.
The panel is built for FS2004 using it in any Dornier 328 TurboProp aircraft.

This package is supplied as it is and will not be supported by me any longer.
Feel free to make improvements/enhancements on your own.

Unzip the files in a temporary folder and then install the panel folder into the aircraft folder you wish to use this panel with.
Install the contents of the gauges folder into the main FS2004 gauges folder or in the corresponding panel folder.

I do not take any responsibility for possible damages or breakdown of your computer system using this software.

Have fun!

Dieter Linde